Thursday 22 April 2021

Alternate Docroots

I have a pressing need to allow files to be accessed that are static.

Unfortunately, there's a web application sitting on my root context ("/").

So I need to define alternate docroots1.

Unfortunately, this seems to be a specific Glassfish or Payara configuration.

As it is bad form, to put this in my code base (who knows where my wars will end up someday), it's better if I put it in the domain.xml file.

That way it's application server dependent, instead of war dependent.

However, I have found the following2:

virtual server's alternate docroots are considered only if a request does not map to any of the web modules deployed on that virtual server. A web module's alternate docroots are considered only once a request has been mapped to that web module.

Which means that an alternative docroot on the virtual server is basically unusable if you have a webapplication situated at your context root "/".

As an example consider the following:

Microprofile Config

Now, I don't much like putting pathnames in my web modules. So I was wondering if it's possible to change that by using Microprofile Config.

And it is3!

It will look something like this:

Other application servers

Other application servers have similar options (of which I know nothing).

In WildFly or the EAP4, it is possible to add another file handler and another location to the undertow subsystem in standalone.xml.


[1] A programmer's blog - Map an external directory into Glassfish
[2] Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Developer's Guide - Alternate Document Roots
[3] Payara Community Documentation - Types of variable references
[4] StackOverflow - How to configure Wildfly to serve static content (like images)?

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