Friday 29 December 2023

The DUAL table

I'm working with Oracle databases (version 19 for now), and I always wondered about the weird DUAL table1 that I require in my work.

Things like this:

select sysdate from dual;
select seq_s_ordertable.nextval from dual;

Well, apparently we have Charles "Chuck" Weiss2 to thank for it.

One of the reasons is that the FROM clause in Oracle SQL syntax is mandatory.

Interestingly, Charles originally created the DUAL table with two rows, hence the name DUAL. Nowadays it's one row, but the name's stuck.

It's part of the Data Dictionary of the SYS user. Changing the DUAL table will cause problems!3


[1] Wikipedia - DUAL table
[2] Wikipedia - Charles Weiss
[3] Ask tom - All about the DUAL table

Thursday 21 December 2023

Using Java to Zip/Unzip files

There's been a ZipFile class in Java sinds a long time. But nowadays sinds JDK7 there's also a ZipFileSystem which is a bit easier to work with in some cases and can do more things.

Below are two examples, one using ZipFile and one using ZipFileSystem.

Using ZipFile

Unzipping works as follows:

  public void testOldZip() throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
    URL resource = UnzipperTest.class.getResource("/");
    assert resource != null;
    Path path = Path.of(resource.toURI());
    try (var zipFile = new ZipFile(path.toFile())) {
      Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
      while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
        ZipEntry nextElement = entries.nextElement();
        if (nextElement.isDirectory()) {
          log.add("File " + nextElement.getName() + " from zipfile is a directory - skipped");
        else if (nextElement.getName().contains("__MACOSX")) {
          log.add("File " + nextElement.getName() + " from zipfile is a MACOS file/dir - skipped");
        else {
          log.add("File " + nextElement.getName() + " retrieved from zip.");
          var filename = nextElement.getName();
          InputStream inputStream = zipFile.getInputStream(nextElement);
          result.add(new FileContents(filename, inputStream.readAllBytes()));
    assertThat( -> x.filename).collect(Collectors.toList())).isEqualTo(
        .isEqualTo(List.of("File test/ from zipfile is a directory - skipped",
            "File test/test1.txt retrieved from zip.",
            "File test/test/ from zipfile is a directory - skipped",
            "File test/test/ retrieved from zip.",
            "File test/test/ziptest/ from zipfile is a directory - skipped",
            "File test/test/ziptest/zippem2.txt retrieved from zip.",
            "File test/test/ziptest/zippem.txt retrieved from zip.",
            "File test/test2/ from zipfile is a directory - skipped",
            "File test/test2/test2.txt retrieved from zip.",
            "File test/test2/test3/ from zipfile is a directory - skipped",
            "File test/test2/text3.xml retrieved from zip."));

Using ZipFileSystem

Apparently it is also possible to mount a zip file as a FileSystem (sinds JDK 7).

It's a bit easier to work with, and has less problems with leaking resources/streams, and allows easy editing and removing items from the zip.

On the other hand, some FileSystem operations are not available in a ZipFileSystem, and then you get a UnsupportedOperationException.

  private static class ZipVisitor
      extends SimpleFileVisitor<Path> {

    private final List<FileContents> result;
    private final List<String> log;

    private ZipVisitor(List<FileContents> result, List<String> log) {
      this.result = result;
      this.log = log;

    public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {
      if (file.toString().contains("__MACOSX")) {
        log.add("File " + file + " from zipfile is a MACOS file/dir - skipped");
        return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
      if (Objects.equals(file.toString(), ".DS_Store")) {
        log.add("File " + file + " from zipfile is a .DS_Store file/dir - skipped");
        return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
      log.add("File " + file + " retrieved from zip.");
      String filename = file.toString();
      // file.toFile() -> unsupported operation.
      result.add(new FileContents(filename, Files.readAllBytes(file)));
      return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;

  public void testNewZip() throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
    URL resource = UnzipperTest.class.getResource("/");
    assert resource != null;
    var path = Path.of(resource.toURI());
    try (FileSystem filesystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(path, Collections.emptyMap())) {
      var rootDirectories = filesystem.getRootDirectories();
      rootDirectories.forEach(root ->
              //walk the zip file tree
            try {
              Files.walkFileTree(root, new ZipVisitor(result, log));
            catch (IOException e) {
              throw new RuntimeException(e);
    assertThat( -> x.filename).collect(Collectors.toList())).isEqualTo(
        .isEqualTo(List.of("File /test/test2/text3.xml retrieved from zip.",
            "File /test/test2/test2.txt retrieved from zip.",
            "File /test/test/ziptest/zippem.txt retrieved from zip.",
            "File /test/test/ziptest/zippem2.txt retrieved from zip.",
            "File /test/test/ retrieved from zip.",
            "File /test/test1.txt retrieved from zip."));

References - Java 7: Working with Zip Files
Oracle Java Documentation - Zip File System Provider

Thursday 14 December 2023

Streams and Filters

A simple little thing.

I like to use streams and filters, and I was wondering what's the best way to go about some things.

For example: I wish to search for a person in a list of Persons.

  public void testSimple() {
    Person personToFind = new Person(null, "Mr.", "Bear", "Netherlands");
    Person otherPersonToFind = new Person(null, "Linda", "Lovelace", "England");
        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(, &&
            Objects.equals(personToFind.surname(), person.surname()) &&

        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(, &&
            Objects.equals(otherPersonToFind.surname(), person.surname()) &&

This works, but the single filter with all the && in it seems a bit unreadable.

Of course, I could replace the x&&y&&z by three filters, as it boils down tot the same thing.

  public void testSimple2() {
    Person personToFind = new Person(null, "Mr.", "Bear", "Netherlands");
    Person otherPersonToFind = new Person(null, "Linda", "Lovelace", "England");
        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(,
        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(personToFind.surname(), person.surname()))
        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(,

        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(,
        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(otherPersonToFind.surname(), person.surname()))
        .filter(person -> Objects.equals(,

But my colleague always likes to use specific methods for lambdas, even if they're only a little complex. It just reads easier.

private boolean compare(Person person, Person otherPerson) {
    return Objects.equals(, &&
        Objects.equals(otherPerson.surname(), person.surname()) &&

  public void testSimple3() {
    Person personToFind = new Person(null, "Mr.", "Bear", "Netherlands");
    Person otherPersonToFind = new Person(null, "Linda", "Lovelace", "England");
        .filter(person -> compare(person, personToFind))

        .filter(person -> compare(person, otherPersonToFind))

My personal preference is the last one.

Thursday 7 December 2023

Is Stream.findFirst() Short-circuited?

So, the assumption is: if I use findFirst on a stream, none of the items in the stream after the first match are evaluated.

I assumed that it was, and it is, but it's always nice to see this verified in a simple test.

  private List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

  private boolean add(String message, boolean returnValue) {
    return returnValue;

  public boolean check() {
    List<Supplier<Boolean>> checks = new ArrayList<>();
    checks.add(() -> {
      list.add("First expression");
      return true;
    checks.add(() -> {
      list.add("Second expression");
      return true;
    checks.add(() -> {
      list.add("Third expression");
      return false;
    checks.add(() -> {
      list.add("Fourth expression");
      return true;
    checks.add(() -> {
      list.add("Fifth expression");
      return true;
    checks.add(() -> {
      list.add("Sixth expression");
      return false;
        .filter(t -> t.get().equals(Boolean.FALSE))

  public void testShortCircuit() {
        .containsExactly("First expression", "Second expression", "Third expression");

As this test passes, it seems that way.

In the very beginning it took some time for me to wrap my head around it, but the operations you define on a stream (.map, .filter, etc.) are not all processed on every item in the stream.

All operations are processed on the first item of the stream, then on the second item of the stream. From this it follows, that a .findFirst() operation will immediately terminate operations if it finds one and the rest of the stream will be ignored.