Thursday 26 July 2018

Remove splash screen in Fedora Core

Just a reminder of mine on how to remove the Splash screen from Fedora Core to make it more obvious if something is going wrong.

Edit /etc/default/grub and replace




After that, we need to run grub2-mkconfig:

[root@localhost ~]# grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Yes, that's right, I'm still using BIOS instead of UEFI. One of these days (years, decades), I'm going to have to upgrade my machine.


Re: What is "rhgb" on the grub, kernel line?
Fedora Official Docs - Working with the GRUB 2 Boot Loader

Wednesday 18 July 2018

IKEA hack: toddler learning tower stool

I occasionally do a bit of very amateurish woodworking, and my wife found a website with the following learning tower stool1.

As the website indicates, it is basically a Ikea BEKVÄM stool2, added on top is a wooden frame where the child can climb into so he/she is secure and can help me out with cooking.

I am neither a professional painter nor a professional carpenter, and for this I do not need to be. The screws to affix the pieces of wood are still clearly visible (just recessed far enough in the wood) and the painting could have been better (the website mentions spray painting for a more even nicer coat), but it sufficed for my purposes.

itemmeasurements (in cm)amount
rod31 long, 1 diameter1
vertical supports39.5 x 3.5 x 1.84
hortizontal supports, short16.4 x 6.7 x 1.84
horizontal supports, long31 x 6.7 x 1.82
Other stuff
screws, long0.4 x 710
screws, short0.35 x 414
white primer paint
white wood paint, matt
tape measure or ruler

Unfortunately, our son is growing a bit big for the item, but he enjoys climbing/crawling into and out of it, when I start cooking, to help me out. But I should have made the stool a little earlier, so it was an easier fit for him. Kids grow so fast.

The screws in the picture above are clearly visible.


[1] Ikea Hack: Toddler Learning Tower Stool
[2] Ikea BEKVÄM Step stool, white