Wednesday 26 June 2019

Deleting a domain in Payara/Glassfish

Back from vacation.

Just quickly putting this in my notes:

$ cd payara5
$ cd bin
$ ./asadmin delete-domain
Enter the value for the domain_name operand> domain1
Domain domain1 deleted.
Command delete-domain executed successfully.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Converting DVD to MP4 using Linux

I recently wished to convert some of my childrens DVDs to MP4, so I could put them on their individual tablets.

I've dabbled with this in the past, on Linux, and it has always been quite a chore to do.

Everything from obscure commandline commands and GUIs that provided a lot of options that were basically meaningless to me (without proper research).

Of course, this caused a lot of grief. Sound not synchronised to the video, or the entirely wrong soundtrack, or converted only the trailers, etc.

But recently I found Handbrake1, and I was much impressed. A nice gui that only takes a little while to learn, and only for special cases (say for example if you do not wish to have the default English soundtrack).

It has sensible defaults.

The only issue was the installation, as it requires, of course, libcss and all that.


[1] Handbrake