Friday 29 May 2020

Adding MariaDB JDBC Connector to Paraya 5 - Followup

Just decided to do a followup on Adding MariaDB JDBC Connector to Payara 51.

I wanted to see if it was possibly very easy to do this using the command line.

Installing a MariaDB driver

$ ./asadmin add-library /home/mrbear/software/mariadb-java-client-2.3.0.jar
Command add-library executed successfully.

Creating a new JDBC Connection pool

The syntax:

Usage: asadmin [asadmin-utility-options] create-jdbc-connection-pool
        [--datasourceclassname ] [--restype ]
        [--steadypoolsize ]
        [--maxpoolsize ]
        [--maxwait ]
        [--poolresize ]
        [--idletimeout ] [--initsql ]
        [--isolationlevel ]
        [--validationmethod ]
        [--validationtable ]
        [--validateatmostonceperiod ]
        [--leaktimeout ]
        [--creationretryattempts ]
        [--creationretryinterval ]
        [--sqltracelisteners ]
        [--statementtimeout ]
        [--statementleaktimeout ]
        [--driverclassname ]
        [--maxconnectionusagecount ]
        [--ping[=]] [--pooling[=]]
        [--statementcachesize ]
        [--validationclassname ]
        [--description ] [--property ]
        [-?|--help[=]] jdbc_connection_pool_id

Note the following:

  • The escape character backslash (\) is used in the --property option to distinguish the semicolon (;).
  • Two backslashes (\\) are used to distinguish the equal sign (=).
  • Two backslashes (\\) are used to distinguish the colon (:).
./asadmin create-jdbc-connection-pool --driverclassname org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver --restype java.sql.Driver --property databaseName=mmud:password=topsecretpassword:user=root:URL=jdbc\\:mariadb\\://localhost\\:3306/mmud:serverName=localhost mmudpool

Let's test it!

./asadmin ping-connection-pool mmudpool

In case you wish to delete it, try:

./asadmin delete-jdbc-connection-pool mmudpool

Creating the JNDI

./asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid mmudpool jdbc/mmud


[1] Adding MariaDB JDBC Connector to Payara 5
[2] Payara Blog - An intro to connection pools in payar server 5

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