Thursday 31 January 2019

Git Branches

Just a little something for me to remember how to create branches and how to switch over to them.

There are plenty of resources available explaining how to do this, so I just thought I'd write some references down here.

$ git branch testing
creates a new branch called testing. Notice that this does not automatically make your new branch the current HEAD.
$ git log --oneline --decorate
seeing the branches in your log (as well as tags and the origins. Nice.)
54718edb (HEAD -> master, tag: v2.0.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD, v2.0.1) /* notes here. */
4c8c3bb9 /* moved the entire karchanangular into karchanpersonal. It compiles into the webapp directory. */
bb4bb432 /* upgrade from angular 4 to angular 7 */
12b528ed /* removed old directories that are no longer in use. Clean up. */
ead93fc3 /* changed images table, now has an autogenerated ID, plus an index on the pair owner and url. */
$ git checkout testing
switching to a branch
$ git checkout -b testing
shorthand for both creating a new branch called testing and checking it out immediately.
$ git checkout master ; git merge testing
merges the changes in the testing branch over into the master.
$ git checkout testing ; git merge master
merge the changes from your master into your testing branch.
$ git branch -d testing
delete a branch
$ git status
also shows you what branch you are on.
$ git show-branch
shows you all existing branches, and the commit that goes with that point in which it was branched.


GitBook - Git Branching
Git - Branch Manpage
TutorialsPoint - Git Managing Branches

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