Wednesday, 21 March 2012

1Z1-805 Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer


I have successfully completed the "1Z1-805 Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer" Exam, taken on the 6th of January 2012. My score was 70%. The required passing score was 60%.

Beta Exams? What's that?

No doubt you've noticed that the exam I took is called the "1Z1-805 Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer", while the one that can be taken at Oracle is called "1Z0-805 Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer".[1] The numbers are diffferent.
It turns out that new exams have a "Beta" period.

“Beta exams are pre-production exams used by Oracle to evaluate new exam questions with the participation of a live audience.”[2]

Taking the exam during this Beta period has the following advantages/disadvantages:
  • reduced cost.
    I had to pay 25 € instead of 125 €
  • length.
    While the exam usually takes about an hour, the Beta exam takes three hours.
  • exam number.
    Beta Exam numbers begin with "1Z1"; real Exam numbers begin with "1Z0".
  • number of questions.
    The number of questions are usually more than 175.
  • validity.
    Both normal exams and beta exams are, when passed, perfectly valid.
  • grading.
    Due to the nature of the Beta exams, grading takes a great deal more time. I had my results in on March 20 2012. In my case this translates to 2½ months waiting. *
  • practise.
    As these new exams are regarding new software practices/technologies and the like, you might have to dig a little deeper to find out the ins and outs of the material to study. There're little to no practice exams yet, though the Oracle (Java) website has some good texts.[3]
  • limited period.
    As the Beta exam can only be taken during a specific period, there is a deadline for you to prepare. Once the official exam goes live, the Beta exam is gone.

*) update 15 april 2013 : the reason the grading takes a great deal more time, is that you are graded based on your answers on the questions that will make it to the official Production Exam. Since this exam is not available/created until 10 weeks later, it explains the delay.


[1] Upgrade to Java SE 7 Programmer
[2] Oracle Certification Program Beta Exams
[3] JDK 7 Adoption Guide

Monday, 12 March 2012


I was experimenting with the new MathML, Markup Language for Displaying Equations in your browser.

There are a lot of different ways, apparently, of displaying equations. Most of them are JavaScript libraries[3] [4] that have been written.

I'm opting for "a standard", described at [1].

Thank heavens that it is possible to use MathML (3.0) without having to use html+xml and other requirements like in MathML 2.0. [2]

Unfortunately, it's support in browsers is still sorely lacking, for example Long Division is one of the new things in MathML, and it is either not well supported, or I am doing something seriously wrong.


The Quadratic Formula


Long Division

Unknown node type: mlongdiv

Well, the long division example shows in my browser as utter junk. I hope someone else has more luck in viewing. Let me know. The examples in [5] also show non-working long division.


Math MSIE 9 Chrome 17 FF10FF 8 FF 6Opera 11
EquationsXXOO OX
Long divisionXXXX XX

[1] MathML 3.0
[2] MathML 3.0 Spec
[3] Math Jax
[4] Html5MathML
a notation that is commonly used in Netherlands for Long Division[2]
MathML, Firefox, and Firemath
[5] MathML 3.0 Spec Test Suite
An introduction to MathML
Blogging Mathematics
Mozilla MathML Project
Firefox Mathml Demo
Firemath - Editor - Plugin for Firefox