Thursday 14 November 2019

Devoxx 2019 - wrapup

I just thought I'd mention the sessions I saw, and the sessions that are on my "todo" list.

That which is Seen

Rust for Java Developers - by Paul Watson, Andy Bell
It's always a good thing to learn a new programming language. Rust is similar to C, with an interesting take on no-garbage-collectors and all sorts of goodies. Compiles to native.
The Web is on 🔥 F.I.R.E. 🔥 !!! - by Noël Macé
Progressive Web Apps, new standards that are not standard yet, but already available in Chrome or Chrome Canary.
Broken Buildtools and Bad Behaviors; The Maven Story - by Robert Scholte
An interesting take on what to do and what not to do with Maven.
Money, Money, Money, can be funny with JSR 354 - by Werner Keil
A bit boring, but only until you realize what kind of freakish money and money rules there are out there. Already it's available in standard Java, and there's no good reason not to use it.
Solving Memory Leaks in the JVM - by Kirk Pepperdine
just as it says, a very good explanation also about how the memory management in Java works.
Java 9 and Beyond - by Venkat Subramaniam
Hey, it's Venkat, always good.
Evolving a Pragmatic, Clean Architecture - A Craftsman's Guide - by Victor Rentea
a lot of the lessons seem hauntingly familiar. Some pieces were unknown. Some things I had doubts about.
Welcome to LWorld: The current state of value types in Java - by Tobi Ajila
a very good entry-level and advanced lecture about the new value inline types
Collections Corner Cases - by Stuart Marks
An awesome talk about things I didn't know, but have been using for ages.
What's coming in Scala 3 - by Josh Suereth, James Ward
Very interesting and advanced, must be easier for people who have more familiarity with Scala.
Why We Hate Java Serialization And What We're Doing About It - by Stuart Marks, Brian Goetz
Some ideas about extending Serialization to how it should have been. Right now only a rough plan.
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - by Matt Raible
Basically the stuff you can use to adapt the Angular CLI to what you want it to do. Think "templates" on speed.
The time relativity principle - by Jakub Marchwicki
Useful if only for the fact that we get up to some strange shenanigans when it comes to timezones
Ask the Java Architect - by Brian Goetz, Stuart Marks
Always fascinating to find out the reasons behind the new designs for Java.
Advancements in Angular - by Jeremy Elbourn
Fascinating talk on the internals by a core member of Google Angular team
Is your AI plotting to kill you? Why AI and Machine Learning is dangerous - by Ben Vermeersch
A nice talk for the tin-foil hat people, and people interested in finding out the weaknesses of AI en how to beat AI at their own game.
How to get properly hacked! - by Julien Topçu
informative, but most things I already knew. The xml entities hack was new for me, though.
From Java to Golang, the journey of the nexuzhealth team - by Dylan Meeus
fascinating talk about the pitfalls of moving to Golang. A little short on information on how to convert large legacy systems.
Java Language Futures: Late 2019 Edition - by Brian Goetz
Always a pleasure.

That which is Unseen

Exploring Collectors - by Venkat Subramaniam
It's Venkat!
Top Tips for Terrible Tech Talks - by Chet Haase
Heard good things about it.
Project Loom: Helping Write Concurrent Applications on the Java Platform - by Ron Pressler
Because Project Loom sounds interesting.
More Than a Query Language: SQL in the 21st Century - by Markus Winand
Learn things about SQL that you didn't know existed.
The 7 biggest mistakes we made in 10 years of running a major open source project. - by Roel Spilker, Reinier Zwitserloot
Colleagues liked it.
The past, present and future of the Java type system - by Alasdair Collinson
As Venkat put it, will we ever see a List<int>?
RSA is Dead. Long Live BB84! - by James Birnie
Because encryption is cool.
Beyond ByteBuffers - by Brian Goetz
ByteBuffers are bad? Really?
Memory footprint of a Java process - by Andrei Pangin
Perhaps could be interesting.


YouTube - Devoxx

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