Saturday 24 November 2018

Devoxx 2018 - Other talks

I'll see what I can write down and remember about the sessions I attended. Do not expect these notes to be exhaustive, they're just there for me to keep a record.

It's a follow up of the post1 Devoxx 2018 - Deep Dive Day One.

Tuesday - Deep Dive Day 2

Lambdas and Streams Masterclass Part 2
Very insightful session, especially the last part (which was quick because they were running out of time). I managed to type along on my labtop, as they gave us a few moments to try the exercises. There's a github of the Lab somewhere.
TypeScript: Complete
The session was, sadly, a bit geared towards Javascript developers, of which I am not one. An interesting toolkit I heard about was JHipster, which seems to be used for setting up a project initially, and takes care of all the dependencies, and my gods are there a lot of those.
PostgreSQL is the new NoSQL

An interesting idea was the use of UUIDs instead of a Sequence for the ID. It means it becomes much easier to merge two databases together, and no leaking of meaningful IDs to the outside in your application.

Use a Foreign Data Wrapper in PostgreSQL to attach to different data sources (other database servers, or even webservices, anything that provides data in fact.)

Micro Frontend: the microservice puzzle extended to the frontend
Very hard to follow for me, as I was a bit tired by then.


Java in 2018L: Change is the only Constant
Spearheading the future of programming
To JAR Hell and Back - A Live Migration To Java 11
PAAF: The passive agressive annotation framework
That was very funny! It contained annotations for indicating to other developers during writing code or code review what is wrong with the code. The framework is available at Awesome annotations as @BlackBox, @Codesmell, @Backlog, @Altruistic, etc.

Project versioning like a git
Java, Today and Tomorrow
Patterns for building resilient software systems
Project Loom: Fibers and Continuations for Java
Very interesting. Fibers are part of a thread, and can help to make the thread non-blocking by having fibers yield control back to the thread. The work on it is still very much ongoing.
Java EE, Jakarta EE, MicroProfile, Or Maybe All Of Them?
Apparently the MicroProfile bit is already supported by several Application Servers, to wit Tom EE, Payara, Wildfly and OpenLiberty.


Var with Style: Local Variable Type Inference in Java 10
Apparently there was some backlash amongst the community regarding this feature, but the speaker did an excellent job of indicating where it should be used and where it shouldn't be used and where it cannot be used. There's even a style guide for it!
GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere
Interesting if you wish to run several programming languages at the same time, and are interested in very fast startup times and very small memory footprint.
Is boilerplate code really so bad?
Yes, it's bad.
Polyglot Persistence - Which Data Model to pick for your Workload
An excellent overview of the different NoSQL/SQL/Document/KeyValueStores etc. data models and when to use them, the advantages and disadvantages, etc.
Vue.js: power and flexibility
Nice, reminds me of Angular and React, though.
From Java to Kotlin: the adventures of a smooth migration
Very easy to follow, seems easy to implement too, just add some dependencies and start replacing your java files. Most impressive was the fact that several packages of java classes could be replaced with one Kotlin file.
Bring serverless to Kubernetes with new open source tools
Down the SVG Rabbit Hole: Advanced SVG Effects & Optimized Workflow

I had no idea that the possibilities for animation and rendering of SVGs has come so far. Especially since it can all be rendered live in your browser nowadays.


How to build products people care about
How to apply AI to testing
Java Futures: Devoxx 2018 Edition

Sessions I wish I followed

Be More Productive with IntelliJ IDEA
Java Modularity :the Year after
Function Programming Patterns with Java8
The Z Garbage Collector


Devoxx BE (2018)
Devoxx BE 2018 - Playlist on Youtube
Devoxx 2018 - Deep Dive Day One

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