So, I was working and it didn't work.
And I really could not understand why.
Here's the code:
fun test() {
val addressInNetherlands =
Address(housenumber = 11L, street = "Kerkstraat", city = "Amsterdam", state = null, country = "Netherlands")
val addressInEngland = Address(12, "Morsestreet", "London", null, "United Kingdom")
val anotherAddressInEngland = Address(28, "Trinity Ln", "Cambridge", null, "United Kingdom")
val addressInAmerica = Address(23, "32nd Street", "Columbus", "Ohio", "United States of America")
val mrBear = Person("Mr.", "Bear", 50, addressInNetherlands)
val mrBell = Person("Bell", "Graham", 55, addressInAmerica);
val mrBoole = Person("George", "Boole", 82, addressInEngland);
val lordKelvin = Person("William","Kelvin",84, anotherAddressInEngland);
val addressBook = listOf(mrBear, mrBell, mrBoole, lordKelvin)
var findMrBooleInEngland = addressBook.filter {
it.firstName == "George" &&
it.lastName == "Boole" == "United Kingdom"
Why does the assert fail? (it's programmer error, but almost invisible)
Solution in the next blog post.