Just some notes of mine on how to install Jelastic command line tools and how to connect to your Jelastic provider1 2.
A little disappointed that installing the command line tools doesn't let me know that it "succeeded". It just returns my command prompt, with no indication what it did.
I thought it had quit unexpectedly.
The first call to the API will require authentication.
As I have enabled two-factor authentication, it's best if I create a personal access token3.
The absolute main reason to use it, I think, is the ability to move my static IP address of a Jelastic Node to another Node4, creating seamless upgrades.
I've tried it, and it's awesome.
I don't even have to explain how it works here. It's simple and the guide is fine.
- [1] Payara platform and Jelastic PAAS
- [2] Jelastic - Jelastic CLI Overview
- https://docs.jelastic.com/cli/
- [3] Jelastic - Personal Access Tokens
- https://docs.jelastic.com/personal-access-tokens/
- [4] Jelastic - CLI Tutorial: Public IPs (External Addresses) Swap
- https://docs.jelastic.com/cli-ip-swap/