There's an article [1] here. I thought I'd bookmark it, for easy reference.
- [1] Fedora Magazine - Upgrading Fedora 31 to Fedora 32
There's an article [1] here. I thought I'd bookmark it, for easy reference.
So the numpad arrow keys do not work in my IntelliJ editor under Fedora Core 31.
I read about similar issues on the Internet.
One of the solutions that worked for me, was to change the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/keypad.
First off copying the original file seems like a good idea, something like keypad.original.
Then replace all occurrences of KP_Up, KP_Down, KP_Left, KP_Right with Up, Down, Left, Right respectively.
Either rebooting or executing a setxkbmap should do the trick.
I use these to go to the next or previous call in Intellij. Linux just wants to switch Workspaces, when I do that.
The shortcuts could not be found using the standard Settings tool.
But I found a solution at [2].
With a reset if I decide to need it like:
Hello, again!
This is just a small blog post on how to backup and restore a MariaDB server, without using MysqlDump, but by directly copying the files in /var/lib/mysql.
First of course we need to shutdown mariadb.
Copying files:
When putting things back, things start to go wrong1.
Copying the files to a new host, causes this:
So, if the below code works, than SELinux is causing the issue:
Now you added mysql_t to permissive, as shown by the below printout:
Turning it back to enforcing, means running:
We need to relabel the new /var/lib/mysql directory:
Checking the current file contexts:
I need to check out MariaBackup2 3, as a better solution for creating backups compared to mysqldump.